Thursday, November 15, 2007
as we all know, we had chalet recently right? haha. after the long sleep i had after chalet, it seems like chalet had been over long long long time ago. haha. and yea, i couldn't remember much. anyway, heres what i copied from jasme's blog:
People who attended the chalet: Me, WanJing, Singrui, Munyee, Rachelle, Waikhee, Monica, Jessie, SiokKhim, Joycelyn, Nicole, ZeHui, Cheryl, Elva, Alcina, ShiYing, JunJie, PangJie, Nigel, YaoWen, YuanDong(im sorry if I missed out any one of you)
Its definitely a proof of our friendship(s). I missed them all and all the sweet memories and spastic acts of them. Lol. Esp. during SecondaryTwo Camp, we had campfire, which happens to be poor Thomas's birthday and we forced him to be our class mascot. Or when we often threw notes from one end of the class to the other during some lousy teacher's lesson; How we often tease Miss Lee and her duck:D(psps); How I slept in YangMehMeh's ACC lesson and got caught by JunJie, who's trying to find himself a replacement to stand in front of the class; And not forgetting YangMehMeh's method to memorise Chinese LetterWriting Format by jumping in front of the class; Or YuanDong's, Nigel's and YaoWen's low-hanging pants which we attempted to pull them down; And Alcina's solid butt:D; AND THE STINKING DEODERENTS(however you spell it, lol).
We may have distanced after this one year but still, we had fun during the chalet and it certainly still brought us together. People we never/rarely say hi to in this one year seemed still so close. Guys, seriously, I want one more 2harmony chalet!:D
Arcade: Can you actually believe I (solo), beat Yaowen and Junjie in the basketball machine?! Or Wanjing and me beat Yaowen and nigel ? Simply stunning~ haah.
And NightWalk was.... simply draaaggy. The longest pair(yaowen and singrui, which is all planned of course) took 1104 mins, while the shortest(joycelyn and zehui) took 0532 mins. But actually in fact, rachelle, junjie and me took more than 1104 mins(guaranteed plus chop) in the maze ourselves, to set up the whole thing. We got lost inside the maze cause we couldnt find the right way out, and actually I even thought:" Could it be gui zhe yan...?" All thanks to NgWanJing who came up with all sorts of ghost
And, It was the first night in my whole of fifteen and plus plus life that I had spent not sleeping and.... HAD THE MOST FUN( cause i was the only one doing so, lol) making the others(Eg. Nigel, Rachelle and Singrui) suffer with me as well! Ah Nigel, who call you ka-jiao me just because I zou ying. For Rachelle and Singrui, blame it on Nigel who thought bunking in with you guys would stop me from disturbing him. Lol. But of course, one particular guy with extremely long nails and tends to snore, didnt wake up when I poked his nails. And one particular woman, who I seriously thought she was a Sleeping Beauty didnt wake up when I poked her legs a few times and called her name repeatedly. She didnt even wake up when the phone rang under her pillow, with vibrations! I asked JunJie to kiss her so that she can wake up, but he didnt want to. Sad. Names shall not be mentioned to protect the interests and reputations of those above.
Three cheers to me:D And I just realised...Guys tend to behave like prawns when they're sleeping. Cooked prawns, in fact. LOL.
Fallen for TwoHarmony even harder:D
haha, yep, thats all. byebye.
Post by: Wanjing
Credits: JASME SEAH HUI MIN(she wants her name to be mentioned! lol.)
signed off--the harmonians12:23 AM