Wednesday, August 30, 2006

joy's evil laughter muahahaha!!!

shi ying's playing with the cup!! oh no!!!

xin yi orh pi sai!!!! wa lao ehhh...


c that mee-pok there??? super tam jia man... still eat cadbury chocolate...
to be continued...
urs truly,
signed off--the harmonians4:18 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
hey ppl you
MUST bring ur class tee tml!!
cos its the zhong zheng jing shen presentation!!
if not you'll have to pay a fine of $2 excluding the
i & n $2!!
pass this msg around n make sure everyone rmbs to bring tml thanks x]]]
urs truly,
signed off--the harmonians6:53 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
welcome to the world of 2HM part 2...

most ppl must've vommitted upon seeing these faces! =p

c shen song's dilemma look?? n the power ranger watch!!!

hello xinyi!! what're you doing with the chair??

are you afraid of the dark??

whispering sweet nothings to each other! x]]

what are you doing joycelyn??!!
signed off--the harmonians11:21 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006

c the gay gang??

thomas must have missed home...

"ni bu yao bi wo..."

please do not try this at home...

muahaha evil laughs...=p

alright c that spastic white chick???

hmmm spastic us.... x]]]

i guess yao niang's in love with the whiteboard...
to be continued... please also feel free to send me ur spastic photos so i will upload muahaha..
`urs truly
signed off--the harmonians8:52 PM
HARMONY :DI'll be leaving on Saturday so in case I don't have the chance to blog here, I shall do it now(:
Class! I hope you'll get into one of the bestbest (got such words meh)class next year la, I want 2HM to become 3HM!:D Okay crap. I hope you'll enjoy the PPT I made for yah alright? Spent much time doing it but regardless of it's ugliness, thoughts that counts. HAHA. ( Don't cry ah!) Joking, so yeah. Keep up the harmony spirit, do your best for streaming kay guys? :D
signed off--the harmonians12:05 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
okay...some of u heard it before le...note that it is juz fer ur own pleasure..result are not accurate...rulz: jus think wadever that comes to ur need think so long de...
one day u enter a u walk, u came acroos this animal...
1)wad is the animal u see?
as u walk even deeper into the forest...u saw another animal...
2)wad is the animal u see?
then u came to river...
3)is the river clean or dirty?
there is a bridge fer crossing the river...u cross it and came to a wooden house...
4)is the door of the house opened or closed?
then u enter the house...u saw a vase...
5)how many flowers do u think there will be in the house?
1)the first animal u see is the personality of the animal ppl think u r
2)the second animal u see is the personality of the animal of wad u really r
3)clean river = clean minded...dirty river = dirty minded
4)open door = optimistic(dunno how to spell)...close door = pessimisic(dunno how to spell)
5) no of flowers = no of romance u will have
hope u have u would like to share ur result on the tagboard???...
signed off--the harmonians9:04 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
hey harmonians!
ur just made me c how united we really are today!
n ur have showed me harmonian's fighting spirit!!
anw i forgot to tell ur in class today..
pls pay 1 dolar tml for dunnoe whatever fund lahh okay..
i just received this msg today...
thanks x]]
urs truly,
x.[[ alcina]].x
signed off--the harmonians9:22 PM
c'mon! update this dead blog for me!
signed off--the harmonians8:18 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
Things to do/take note fer this week (updated on 17 august,5.15pm):
reminder:malacca ppl to hand in
$38 $48 by this friday
2)reminder:this wednesday got acc book to copy hard bah...topic ia about tang chao bah...if i not wrong3)reminder:this friday got science common test...chp 9 and 10.1 onli...4)reminder:got zuo wen this week...not sure which day5)
reminder:gentle reminder to those who had not hand up the art movie clip..the one that needed to be email to mr suhaimi...pls hand in..
reminder:ok...this one help pan jie de...all to hand up the senoko incineration plant field trip consent form
7)homework:do the english comprehension on the home-school thing...(ooppx...i forget bring the book home myself :X)8)
reminder: reminder to all-again...the date line fer the lit performance is comin...
rehearsal, k...(haha...dun ask me...our group have start yet!)
9)homework: those who haven hand in the zuo wen todae...tml the lastest...10)
homework: maths journal...the smalll piece of paper...remember?
homework: maths 20 question on chp2 workbook
homework: brainstorm for the essay...yuandong's row do on "the problem come only after you leave school"...nigel's row do "school is a prison"...panjie and shiying's row do "coeducation inhibits learning"...(haha....dun even bother to do lah!)
shld be all le bah...anybody remember anything pls post it k?...this is fer the class...
signed off--the harmonians8:33 PM
hey harmonians!! we did well today!! 3 cheers!!
we've tried our best n if ppl don't like it, then cant b help okayy!!
but im happy!! that all of us came together n made this assembly a success yea =p
harmonians we shall stay forever!! x]]]
urs truly,
x.[[ alcina]].x
signed off--the harmonians8:32 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
hey ppl... time passes really quickly...
it was like just that day when susan low said our performance was being postponed..
n tml's our big DAY!!
we are gonna perform in front of the whole sch! ..
i wish nth will go wrong..
this is the last last time we're gonna perform together..
let's just work together n co-operate yea??
n rmb to bring ur jeans n class tee tml harmonians!!
let's all work very hard for the rehearsal tml during P.C period..
n we'll give our very best for tml's assembly performance! x]]]
`urs truly,
x.[[alcina =p]].x
signed off--the harmonians9:30 PM
ok...since this description was missed and skipped in the previous post, i will add it in...
24.rachelle: she is the crazy one who claims to be unique...drama queen...english, chinese, literature pro pro....then still want to say no is very bad you know...oso very determined one lor...say want to get below position 80, then get 78....wowow..:)...emotions are filling her to the brim!!!
i want to clarify a few things:
1. i am not the bad influence!!!rachelle is then the one....i sure many ppl will agree...
2. i am not the english top-scorer and i nv compete with yishen...
3. i am not orsim or osim lahhhhh...
4. its not prove!! scientifically nor mathematically...!
5. rachelle is not eleganttt...:)
6. nor is she quiet...
no offence,
signed off--the harmonians9:34 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
hey harmonians..
ermm i think u all have heard about Mr Low's leaving right??
okay so here's what exactly happens lah..
he said that he's one of the sth like alumni of his old school ( i think its st pat's)
n he said he gotta go back there n help cos those boys there are getting really bad..
bad as in ah beng ah seng i think... so he gotta go back n help turn em back into
good ppl like him... haha
yea.. so he's gonna teach us till tml (fri) 10/8/06 only... so i was thinking
of making a card n everyone sign on it lah..
oh yea.. i got his contact no too.. if ur want just come ask from me tml okay x]
cya in school tml ppl! sayonara!
signed off--the harmonians10:01 PM
-& enjoy the run<;3
signed off--the harmonians8:50 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Friends forever people<;3
signed off--the harmonians11:23 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
You had no IDEA how touched I was on that last day of school for me okay? I was so touched, surprised, and a stir up/mixed feelings rumbling deep inside when me and shiying was cutting the cake after Rachelle read the message to me, and Alcina the host. I only have one thing to say : I LOVE YOU GUYS.
I can't believe I missed out so much in just a short period of time no in school, I think after I've returned from Taiwan, I'll be some kinda 'SAN BA LAO' x) ha ha. I guess today's NDP celebration huh? Well, I hoped you guys enjoyed yourselves {from what wanjing said, I think the girls were quite high} Sighs- how I wish I was there to have a glance of chungcheng & you guys & laugh together like crazaye people.
Seriously speaking whenever I think back of the times I had with you guys, I would grin to myself, or cry to myself. The quality time I spent with you guys are not replacable(?) Did I spell it correctly. Ha ha.
I still remember when we were in sec1, I was the vice, then took over Natalie, I couldn't handle the class properly and failed to do my part as the chairperson, causing a great row between us. But I guess that was how being great friends came about(: Thanks guys, for the 'reprimands' you gave me. Although it's kind of a bad memory, it's still part of growing up as a class.
Yeah the class blog is really great, and the song too. There's one part about turning 25 (that suits me!) I wanna let you guys know, even if you don't remember me when I return, you guys will still be part of my memory, deeply engraved & I promise...
As we go on, we remember; all the times we had together, now's our last change come whatever? we will still be
friends foreverI shan't get too emotional here.
Yeah, tomorrow's national day, enjoy the fireworks people! & I love you guys<;3 P./S remain as crazaye people. I know you will!
signed off--the harmonians10:01 PM
hiahiahia halo halo i'm RACHELLE(: and i managed to hack into dah class blog. ahha, i'm such a hacker. and i'm extremely proud to be one. (:
here to demand corrections from miss solidbutt. ahha. halo halo what are you trying to implement by saying my laughter is contagious? ugh. i'm a very elegant and quiet little girl all right. dont ruin my reputation uh, if not i'l get a chopper and you shall await for your doom's day to approach. ahha. and singrui's the one who is dah bad influence, NOT ME okay? -pouts;
since MOST of the information miss solidbutt gave was incorrect or rather, invalid so we shall now refresh our thoughts and description on TWOHARMONY'06. the following are part of my perception, which are mostly correct. ROFLMAO(:
SHINING; the girl who was once said to like JAKE. ahha. OUR VERY
RESPONSIBLE class chair, netball vicecap. crazy-in-arse about the 30points napha award. madness, sigh! ahha.
XIANGQI; the emo freak who is fond of snatching johnny depp from muah. ahha. and ended up being my mom-in-law. also known as my "gog"[name originated from our severe typo error]. HIGHSCHOOLMUSICAL freak too. whahha.
HWEE; well part of the sicko pervetic pianzuck. since she's innocent in yangmeh's eyes, i shant ruin her guaikia image which totally doesnt exist in us, 2HARMONY's eyes. ahha(:
4. NICOLEHAN; the laughing queen. [miss solidbutt, she's the laughing queen, NOT ME all right] everytime i see nicole, the images of her laughing during every group presentation will flash past my mind. a jolly fella', another victim brainwashed by pervets. ahha (:
5. JESSIEHONG; one of our class' genius? ahha. rumoured affair with shenlong. feel free to browse our tagboard FOR INFO. though i can sense something's amiss. sigh! poor jessie, kna teased thanks to the shenlong. uh uh, see i'm the only few kind hearted souls who symphatise with you nia, so you'd better
not teach munyee teach me MATHS.
6. LIMINER; our
smallest palm woman.[the cause of the break in the harmony run during this morning's nationalday sing-a-long] crazy fan of JAYCHOU, which is like TOTALMADNESS. also, blogskin freak? ahha. my cliquemate & guess what her biological father is mr. dawood! ahha. cool huh?
7. LIZHEN; okay the miss solidbutt's description for dear lizhen is rather accurate, ahha cos our dear girl is well-known to impress any human with total chinese chimness and speeches. OHMYGOD, she's like born with infinite-paged scripts in her head. look at the way she recites her tang/song shi? holy smoke.
8. SIOKKHIM; self-claimed tiancai. ahha. she's constantly pissing me off woman, with her cold jokes. ahha. our anime/manga drawing freak. madness luh, it's like she can draw this beauty thing in like a perfection style. sigh! our class has mad people, like her-
9. ELVA; my cdccomrade! ahha. my drama princess, and the dear girl with extremely HIGH voice. yeah, indeed WEIJIAN's fan, dont know what's so mesmerising about him anyway? she's my madbull.
10. NATALIEK; my very own english speeches competitor. whenever you see her on stage, you know danger is drawing for the other stagelovers. you can see the various programmes she's hosted/participated, eg. the most recent recollections' thing. pupil councilor(:
WANGJING; another of our class' genius. ahha. our very own st.john freak [that sometimes we suspect st.john might be a substituted name of a person which is pracitcally dumb but the likelihood is high]&& accused to be the third party of the jessie/shenlong affair. WHEE!
12. YIJIE; our MOST solemn, rather serious pupil in class. she's like woah, never crazy-laughing. another class' top scorer. ahha. always kna
hushed by her. -pouts. i'm not even like noisy luh. i'm the one who is badly influenced luh. damn.
13. SINGRUI; my sole stead. ahha. she's known to be orsim, but you can call her osim. it's scientifically proven that she respond quicker to "orsim" then "singrui". ahha. shant be biased and type a whole chunk of description cos she's my stead. lala~ she's the class eng top scorer, constantly vying with yishen(:
EEAH; okay. guess you guys wanted to know badly why we laughed so hard during one of the eng lessons, the one mr low said about the connectors of eng. remember jennifer, guys? yeah our dear girl here claims to like mr. bookharmrice[if you're smart enough to fig it out], and he did ever mention about jennifer. okay, i think you guys still dont get what i mean. ne
vahmind. ahha.
WEEKHEE; ahha. our very own class' chatterbox. i think she's queenie[2it's] sister last life or what? another chinese singing pro. ahha, and one of our chinese top scorers. totally swift on handball/netball court. :D
16. TAIMIN; mhmm the more sporty one among the two twins. quite daring in terms of hair style, but i think it's cool luh. like unique, ahha [singrui dont you agree i'm just as unique? (: self proclaimation rocks] PRC scholar uh. something special about her is that when she blows her instrument[cos she's in band] her face changes colour and it's like, gobsmacking. woah, like you're so damn unprepared for that to happen. ahha.
17. TAIWEN; she's not taiwan. ahha, no offence girl. the one appearing to be more femenine and gentle among the twin. PRC scholars, you know the two of them, is like they can choose not to listen to what the teachers preach in class, but they're like woah, scoring A1s all the time. impressive huh?
18. JOYCELYN; our very own chinese singer, you name it, she'll know it. it's like really marvellous luh, but kinda' scary at times. like wah, how would you ever know all dah songs? mhmm, our "chang ke" on the yangmeh's target list for talking. but i think it's cool to stand in front, dont you think so cliquemates? (:
19. JIAMIN; ahha soldbutt, yes she's chiobu. and is she steading with changsong? yes or not? our whole class is desperate for an answer, so is yangmeh, and him. ahha. lovey-dovey huh? so sweet luh you guys... netball vicecap/and our mirror queen. ahha.
20. MEIXI; yes solidbutt, she's white. and when people say about her complexion being overly urnealistic, she'll go "you know people pay thousands of dollar to get such a complexion, and furthermore, my is natural." ahha, sigh! a zebra never changes it's spots.
21. SHIYING; our froggiest sportsgirl in class, our rather? in the whole level? apprently she is in track, my deskpartner, the maths propro one, eng propro, chinese propro, science propro, humans propro, aiyah everything also pro. very stress luh, sit beside her is like a timebomb, anytime you'll be pressurised by her results luh.
22. MONICA; my CSP[chinese song provider] like a twin of joycelyn or what? the two of them are like, seriously luh, no exaggerations but true quality of chinese singing aristes? of course luh, this girl attends specialised singing courses. our another chiobu, though i dont know who is "billabong", but i know she has plenty of suitors. huh?
23. XINYI; my long awaited description. EVERYONE KNOWS SHE'S OUR biantaiseqingkuang. she can tell you countless sexual jokes, that you'l feel so psycologically harrassed even like weeks later. ahha. heard she's suffering from autism uh, explaining why she needs councilling from mr low. ROFLMAO and she kinda' has a crush on nigel/thomas? ahha. "xinyi, xi huan jiu yao shuo. bu ke yi ying cang shi shi!" and and she's our calligraphy queen too. ahha.
24. -SKIPPED- [i suck at self description]
25. SARAH; our rlly quiet girl. she's like the nicest/sweetest girl around in class. no wonder our waikhee's so smart to take advantage of our kindness. another eng pro, and singrui claims she's in the same position as sarah, which i strongly disagree.
26. QINGRAN; our designer. wlau, i'm like damn envious of her luh, see the bag she carries, the shoe she wears, the pencilcase she uses, etc. okay, perhaps it's not so impressive to you guys, but it's like so damn cool luh. and she's another biantai idiot, like to pinch me like i'm some kind of dough luh. roar!
as for the guys, i dont want to elaborate, cos i think i'm quite satisfied with miss solidbutt's description. AHHA. diaokudang!
cyah guys,
signed off--the harmonians9:25 PM
todae hm is first was yang lao shi and some girls waving the hand at the ppl join in and started running hand almost dislocated frm jessie de pull...anyway...todae like everybody so 'high' but the guys not enthu de...never join us...then nigel's singing was sooo gd that i can't hear anything...and stop 'tou ting' ppl tok and dun 'fan' ppl bag...u noe why...
kk...todae post shorter cuz todae short day...haha...kk... next two days is holiday le...maybe wanna organise some outing...anyway...enjoy urself the two days cuz friday got cross country!!!..too bad won't be joinning u all...but will see ya there...haha...stationing lah...haha...bad thing got free transport and leave class early!!!...but dun reli wan leave class early lah...
signed off--the harmonians4:19 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
alright since monica has started with writing all the funny things about us & paste it on the class noticeboard, i shall post one too about 2 HARMONY!1` alcina----- the solid butt =...oOps x]2` cheryl ----- she's one insane JOHNNY DEPP FAN!3` ze hui----- REN BU KE MAO XIANG! she's just like xin yi too! =x4` nicole----- wu shu pro.. hah--tahh!5` jessie------ she got a beau now!!---> SHENG LONG? 6` hinamori the great:D-- hmmm.. u c her like very quiet but uh.... wa lao wait till u hear her scream.. ur ear drum burst arh..7` li zhen---- she'll drown u with all her cheeenna knowledge x]8` siok khim- another tall girl who likes to sing the xin yi national anthem.. (xin yi the panda...)9` elva-------- DERRICK HO WEI JIAN FAN...10` natalie--- tiny winy in size but she's taller than me alrd! =x she loves singin n DAVID MARSHALL! muahaha im bad....11` wan jing-- the class pro... ST JOHN! if u ever faint or injure urself, dont worry cos help is on the way... x]12` yi jie----- hmmm another of our class councillor oso tiny tiny n she loves GUIDES! =o13` sing rui-- quiet she is on the outside but sometimes if u hear very loud laughter, n u'll noe she's fa feng-ing with rachelle!14` jasme---- my pea family! x]] she's in bball dun pray pray arhh... always screaming with mun yee! =p15` wai khee- another guidette! haha she's always eating japan delight for recess or curry mian or laksa! muahahaha16` tai jia min- her hua wen very biao zhun... she's in band n CCS.. oh yahh she got 2 ponytail like xiao long nu... hehe17` tai jia wen- another hua wen very biao zhun one.. just like her twin... u'll always c em` together! 18` joycelyn---- alex!!! wo zu ni he ta bai tou xie lao! haha... another very good singer n her ambition is to b a lawyer! jiayou! 19` tan jia min-- muahahaha... this cranky girl here, always like others to know her as chio bu! LOL her favourite quote when someone touches her hair is " aiiiyeeerrr BU YAO DONG WO DE TOU FA LAH!" & her favourite quote when someone touches her face is " WO DE LIAN LAN DIAO LE LAHH DENG YI XIA WO DE LIAN SHEN PIMPLE ARH!" 20` mei xi--------- she's super fair can.. like she'll nv get black.21` shi ying------ fastest girl runner in our class... another sweet supplier who doesnt like kiap kiap bags... x]22` monica------- MISS! that time u accidentally touch my butt n u wrote my butt super solid on the noticeboard! n now the whole class noes me as solid butt banana... URGH! anw she's a good singer... hear her sing during our assembly performance!! =p23` xinyi---------- this pervertic girl is incurable okay! likes to crack all the dirty jokes! x]] she likes to do the bi bi dance..24` rachelle ------ she's a pure chinese! likes to laugh alot alot.. u'll get influence n u'll start laughing with her!25` sarah ------she's very quiet! n she looks like PIGLET! ( winnie the pooh!)26` qing ran------ she's super quiet! n she likes to read xiao shuo! muahaha always with li zhen n the twins =)& NoW this is the moment we've been waiting for.. the BOYS!! muahaha...27` yuan dong---- a.k.a SHUAI GE! he's one of the diao ku wang of 2HM his favourite quote is " I CARE?!" oh yahh n he likes to step ppl's shoe when any of em buys a new pair! i m a victim! he's also always asking for sweets!28` leon------------- hmmm... his favourite quote when im collecting money from him " dont have...." when actual fact he's got loads of money in his wallet! =x29` ziyi-------------- he's not quiet! u'll noe what i mean after hearing his "cold" jokes!30` ling xiang----- he's known as sister ling =p n he's starrin as romeo in the eng lit drama!31` nigel------------ muahaha... he's a KUI MO(CURLY) blackie cum tapioca cum white chick cum puffy cum solid butt no 2! he likes to have his hair permed! though he's short but he can ole ppl... n he's one of the member of the steppping shoe n diao ku gang! another guy who's addicted to sweets!32` pan jie---------- this guy is filled with all sorts of general knowledge n has a profound eng! beware cos he spits!33` shen song----- was once known as peng gong gong in our class... he's oso one of the member of the stepping shoe n diao ku gang.. he's a joker in our class... another another guy who has a sweet tooth... =p34` shen yi--------- he's drawings are nice... u should take a look at it sometimes.. oh yahh he just wore his latest power ranger watch today! =x35` yao wen------- the COOLEST person of 2HM... like to say ppl alrd then say "oops!" another person from the diao ku n stepping shoe gang.. he got gang, sa lak gau (369) n force 136... his nose got prob... a.k.a ku po.. ( crying grandma) even mrs tan oso scared of him! everyone in the class dare not lend him tissue... he cant survive without sweets just like his pals.. x)36` thomas--------- the only scouter in our class... super blur okay! there was once, yuan dong n blackie used my lock to lock his blouse n he was like " wa lao... u expect me to go home liddat arh?? where's the key???" n he's greatest experiment was to use the scissors to cut open the lock... metal VS scissors x]]] btw shui shi song zan gan bu?!! haha37` jun jie----------- vice chair of our class.. has long fingernails n always arm wrestling with shing... 38` yi shen---------- he likes playing soccer with the diao ku gang n he loves the famous scene of zidane. another soccer freak! x]]]]alright thats the end... /proudly presented by: urs truly, nana
signed off--the harmonians7:26 PM
Saturday, August 05, 2006

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signed off--the harmonians11:31 PM
suddenly tot of class outing...but i dun wan the usual movie watching and eatin thing cuz it didn't work well last time rite...
so maybe can...
1)rollerblade(luv it even though dunno how to...enjoy fallling down...haha)
3)chalet(but must got ppl participate...cuz need $$)
4)bbq(also must got ppl lah...)
5)go k-box...(haha...cuz the class ppl mostly like to sing)
kk...idea may seems stupid lah...but pls post if u got any more ideas lah...aft all...last year le leh...we seriously need bonding...
Done by : wanjing
signed off--the harmonians12:57 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
due to some request...i shalll post hw....
todae got the
1)history worksheet
2)maths de sets worksheet(hand in on monday)
3)the english essay on the coporal punishment
4) those ve nt handed in english nespaper or mag. article,pls hand
in by next week....(lolx...including me)
5)study on wrksht e3 to e5 and f1 to f3 4 next wk's math test hor...
6)monday performance pls rmb to bring necessary thing...
jeans n class tee la...(will nt b bring haha)
7)those ve nt handed in the consent form 4 geog field trip
oso hand in on next monday....
8)and oso the cross country consent form la.....
9)monday change of timtable frm 2.15-4.15pm.....rmb 2 bring apron 4 homeec
hor n OH NO....geog oso...
10)lastly class fund....(which i don gif a damn haha)
nicely done by tyal(pui arh)
signed off--the harmonians8:19 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wah..still nobody want to post ar...kk...
todae i damn sad and 'bei wei qu'...if anyone had notice...u all might have seen i like crying crying de...haha...infact if u seen...i cried lah...kk enough bout me...
during lit lesson todae...we were ask to do health checkup...onli check backbone...and eye sight... napfa.., i not sure wad happen in class lah cuz aft school i was kena scolding by senior fer nothing while u all eatin...anyway...todae like so no mood to do napfa...
kk all: gd luck to all of ya fer geog test tml...try to be enthu okay?...must post if u can...
Done by :wanjing
signed off--the harmonians9:58 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Since like no one want to post, i shall start first...class blog ar...maybe i rite bout wad happen todae lor...
let see wad happen todae...
acc test...nothing much lah except i dun thing it shld be called a test lah...the book place infront of ya and ur allowed to copy word fer word...
english..i onli remembered mr low said something about scout be a scout becuz other cca rejected poor thomas lah...i think mr low also said something bout skull being crushed by goalpost... cums the fun part todae...aft sch todae while waitin fer the time to go oral...the whole class suddenly so noisy...filled with 'oohh'...etc 'animal noises'...haha...ppl at there durin the time noe wad happen lah...haha...
then oral todae...topic is what do teen interested in nowadays...according to wad i ppl say bout ppl also divide into 2 catagory:girl like to do wad, boy like to do wad...
hmm....tml got napfa...oh no(for me)....and got geog test this friday(sianz) everyone...jia you...i study the geog till vomit blood le...
abit dry, eh? but i reli dunno wad to post lah...i post fer the sake of da class...if got ppl reli reli see this post 'bu shuang' can delete it lah...aftall, is a class blog...anyone can do anything...kk..shall stop here
Done by:wanjing
signed off--the harmonians8:52 PM