Friday, September 22, 2006
hello...leon here...come n post smth boliao
here it goes today,hope everybody saw wat
it goes like tis
panjie n thomas gayin,panjie only work well with thomas
being able 2 sit with each other 4 so long without any natural disaster happpening
n casualties.....
so did n experiment
relationship abt panjie n thomas...
scene : class noisy as usual in chi lessonthomas n panjie tokin
we extra tried n tested our hypothesis....
ppl involved: panjie,thomas,nigel shensong,yuandong,yaowen n me
experiment one:
shensong n nigel went n 2 push thomas....interrupt panjie n thomas tokin abt maplestory
den panjie like defendin thomas n did smth like pushin nigel away...
they ran bac to the back of the class n we laugh tgt...
experiment 2:
yuandong walked into classroom,noe wat we are doin n started the 2nd experiment
so he went 2 push thomas again...
same here panjie tokin 2 thomas...
den yuandong push thomas again...scene repeats..
panjie seatin down...abt 2 do smth(tough he scolded yuandong) 2 yuandong
when thomas stop him n said smth like nvm... nvm
den yuandon do again....thomas cant take it den retaliate..........
after readin this u all conclude
tis is jus one crap la...but at least show smth "interestin"happen in class
later ppl say tis blog only hmwk...
those who tink its LAME
den shut ur mouth n eyes...
save the ccomments 4 urself
i don nid it.....
those tink it is kind of interestin please
throw some conclusion
bb.....reported by T.E.G(the xtra gossiper)
signed off--the harmonians11:15 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
HARMONY PLEDGE.There was a time not long ago
when we came from different primary schools
we wore different school uniforms
& sang, different school songs.
There was no freedom, no justice
when we students stepped into chung cheng
Life was a struggle, bitter & hard
& students were tired by squats
We came from different primary schools
though our dreams were all the same
but our hopes for better grades were lost
when common tests and examinations came
We had no rights, we had no say.
& we hope to score As one day.
After the mid year exams we called for a change
for the rights to decide our fate
some of us wanted post exam activites
others, more free periods a day
squats and detention in our campus
months of hate & fear
people said- we'd never survive
as EOY exams drew near.
our happiness was not to be
until our school could be rule free
29th september, 2006
our examinations are here -- oh no!
against all odds we had to score
10 distinctions, on our own
We've come thus far by ourselves
one class, named 2
HARMONYour seniors scored well in o levels for us
now the future's in our hands
This is our school, where we belong
our flag fly high and free
but let us not take for granted
that what we have will always be.
We are proud to be in 2
HARMONYwith harmonious spirit, till we get into JC.
Edited by : mcphan!
typed by: cherylc
HALLO HARMONIANS, P.S boys, and girls. stop the PINCHING SESSION OKAY, 5 people kana blueblack liao ): LMAO.
signed off--the harmonians5:04 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006

XinYi so depressed..

Courtesy of Rachelle~Yang Lao Shi!

Not ready for photo shot..

Enjoying the greenery in my house..

So engrossed in eating & singing
signed off--the harmonians9:41 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006

fitness trainer...

the big boss...

garang guni bo zua diao si ki...

hip hop rapper...

du shen...
signed off--the harmonians11:47 PM
Hey posted some pics!
~ The Gals Singing~
~Cheryl & Shi Ying~
~Joycelyn with Thomas~(my favourite pic)
~ Camera Woman~
~Nicole staring at the floor.Wai Khee looks so cool~
signed off--the harmonians7:34 PM
episode 3.. MUAHAHA


aiyoh shen yi eat food eat until so ji dong!...

bollywood on the swing muahaha/...

wai khee's shocked face! jessie YAM SENG!

she that spastic lady there?? she nv take photo before so pls ppl dont blame her!
signed off--the harmonians7:23 PM
more pics hehe.. episode2..

see the satay man?? smelling his own satay not bad uh?!

yuan dong singing?! can you c any glass pieces on the floor??

happy eating muahaha.. ze hui's mouth so BIG muahahha

shi shui qiang zou le wo de mi ke fone?? BIG BULLY!
signed off--the harmonians12:35 AM
Friday, September 08, 2006
once again, thanks alot to ling xiang for organising this gathering. it was fun n i bet all of us enjoyed it very much x]] here's the moment u all have been waiting for.. LOL PHOTOS OF YOU PPL HEHE im MEAN...

c that nigel there??he's playing police n thieve *bang bang* n that leon muahah: am i yan dao?"

karaoke session was fun wasn;t it??

c that over-reacted guy there?? taking pink dolphin water bottle somemore wa seh..

xinyi n nicole singing so merrily muahaha... twinkler, twinkler little star.
HAO i wonder what you are? LOL

c that cheryl chua there?? so chor lo haiyoh...
signed off--the harmonians12:21 AM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
heyy ppl!! ling xiang's class gathering is tml!!
for those who need the add
its 18 lorong telok kurau
please harmonians, do turn up for the gathering!!
cya ppl tmlx]]
<3, nanatan
signed off--the harmonians10:20 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
HELLO friends,
now we would like to share some pictures that are extremely suitable for our dearest classmates and certain teachers for your kind appreciation.
sit back and relax. {they certainly mean no offence, uh hunks and babes?
tadah! jasme and her "kahqi" wearing her dream jacket.

the pianzuck featuring {from left: siok khim, monica, xinyi, zehui, joycelyn, jiamin}

xinyi and her
boobs up close! oohlala~

the animal farm! miss ying, alcina the trex and YANGMEHMEH!

now dear dear, YANGMEH and HER MISTER unite!

reminder once again,
signed off--the harmonians5:14 PM