Thursday, October 26, 2006
Our class photos

signed off--the harmonians10:13 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
*ALL MUST BE PRESENT ON WED, for day of rehearsal. even those not participating have to be a gooood audience! give comments, and see what's there to mend!*TITLE: HAUNTED BLACKBOARD.NIGEL - main cast :/{your role is to come out as a gay/sissy teacher and when you wanna sit down on the chair it will 'drop automatically!' (don't break your backbone though,) then 'fall' onto the floor.
RACHELLE & ELVA - students :/{enters scene2; shocked to find gay on the floor, laugh and walk away.
SIOK KHIM, JOYCELYN, TANJIAMIN, TAIJIAMIN, TAIJIAWEN, ZEHUI, XINYI, NATALIE, YIJIE, WANJING, NICOLE, YAOWEN, YUANDONG - backstage crew1 :/{ coolest job of all! girls to draw the 'bian' word; guys to hold the both sides of cloth. Cos you're taller(< boys to stay put at the scene from start to end. YIJIE as you're the 'bian's' head, please also be incharge of dropping the spiderweb :P
SHIYING & MONICA - backstage crew2 :/{to pull and drop the chair, make sure it drops!
ALCINA - ghost :/} ha ha what a fun role.
THOMAS - :/} nigel's 'SOUL'.
LINGXIANG & ZIYI - black people :/} carry nigel up @ scene 3.
SOUND TRACKS WILL BE PLAYED CONTINUOUSLYscene 1 -- EERIE soundtrack will be played, then lightings go on and off.
scene 2 --
Nigel walks in, chair drops ( pulled by
shiying &
monica ; spiderweb falls at the same timeYIJIE ) falls onto the floor, then think it's spooky.
Rachelle and
Elva walks in at first shocked, but at last laugh and walk out of scene.
scene 3 --
nigel writes on black board and speaks, aiyah, i too short(tiptoes). STILL CAN'T REACH, then
lingxiang and
ziyi will appear from the back of the cloth to carry nigel in the cross hand method. WORDS COME OUT AS WHAT
Nigel hears thunder, look back, thinks he see a ghost, then ghost plays tricks on him, but nigel can't see. write 'bian' word halfway, looks back.
alcina reappears; does scary laughter/ scares
nigel SCREECHES and lies down on the floor.
Thomas, nigel's soul rises immediately after
nigel lies down on the floor. and music BLASTS. CLAPCLAP it's the end of the show!
CHERYL - recycled black cloth, soundtrack, strings, socks, dry ice if possible.
SARAH - white string for spider web.
signed off--the harmonians9:50 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
hey ppl i need ur to contibute some stuffs for the bian3 okay!! x]
Due to the time constraint i hope those who've read this can bring the stuffs tml.
these are the things we need:
~SCHOOL SOCKS ( it doesnt have to be sch socks as long as its very very long!!)
~CARDBOARD (anybody who has cardboard could u please bring it tml..)
~BLACK CLOTH (we need a super duper big cloth if ur have it at home pls bring it tml too)
thanks alot! x))
signed off--the harmonians4:50 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The clique 4 :D

The spastic ones(<

Natalie, i couldnt resist your adorable face!

Our very own joker aka interviwer for the weather report.

shenyi mugging after one fine day.
more to go babes and jellybeans:D:D:D
The videos will be up soon. Photobucket is SLOW, LAG. BLAH.
signed off--the harmonians8:40 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Heyy ppl! i'm also gonna share a poem with u guys.. enjoy (:
2 Harmonians, made up of complete strangers from all corners of S'pore
Who shared the same heart and soul
The unity we had
Is powerful enough to conquer anything under the sun
Cuz we had determination too
And we are more bonded than ions/molecules
Cuz no amount of chemicals can separate us
Regardless of whether it's physical or chemical method
Remember the days
Yijie the genius
Wanjing the ultimate genius
Jessie the walking calculator
Panjie the general knowledge genius
Shenyi the manga hardcore fan
The guys with all the 100% strawberry
Alcina the class chairwoman
Lizhen the ACC pro
All the great times we had
Could not be erased from our memories
And if u think those are referred as scars
Then please fill me with scars
Big or small
Cuz they're precious
And i won't heal them
Cuz they're mine
But now it's time to separate
No choice
Streaming broke us up
But it can never break that bond we're having
It's invincible; unbreakable
So harmonians, don't be too disheartened
When we're not studying under the same classroom
We're still together
Just separated by some walls
We're still gonna eat in the same canteen
We're still gonna attend flag-raising
We're still gonna listen to the same William Tell every morning
Whatever it is
We's still
together (:
Nat{K} pens her thoughts.. (:
signed off--the harmonians4:53 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Harmony, this is for you.
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cos you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
As the exams are ending, we put a fullstop to the harmony days. We won't be in the same class anymore, most likely no. Because all our grades are different, way different. When we first stepped into harmony, all of us were reluctant to mingle with each other. Yet now, we are reluctant to let go & leave harmony behind. Next year, we will be cheering for our own different classes, no more " two harmony!! two harmony!! " Yes, i'll miss every one of you. In the years to come, will we think about the moments that we shared. In the years to come, are we gna say, my sec one & two days, i lived it with no regrets. I will. Nothing last forever though we wanted to, the road ahead holds different dreams for us. Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way for destiny. Though its the hardest thing to say, i'll miss you guys in every single way. Even though sometimes you guys drive me mad, but even after all the ups & downs, we still pulled through. If i were to start all over again, harmony will be the class i'll choose. You guys will be the people i'd choose to be in the same class as. Let not the harmony spirit fall, cos,
i love you guys.
and true love never dies..
signed off--the harmonians12:01 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
eh..believe most of u all struggling la...with history...
so gd luck lor.....can do it den do it..
cant take it...jus go slp la
ve energy 4 tml is better den today study like siao,den tml u
rmb nth n den no energy 2 tink...
history,is already past events,those things tat had happened already
had cus damn lot of trouble,mafan,unhappiness n sufferin 2 the ppl last time,
den y nw the trouble,mafaness,unhappiness n sufferin is still
agree? luck bb
signed off--the harmonians10:42 PM